Städtische Museen Freiburg / Corporate Design
City. Country. Region. Museum.
The Städtische Museen Freiburg connect – old with new, society with research, past with present, curiosity with experience, education with emotion, inspiration with drive, mountain with valley. With more than 1,000 meters, Freiburg is also the city with the greatest difference in altitude among German cities.
The newly created logo visualizes the contrasts that make up the Städtische Museen Freiburg and those that the city can offer landscape wise. The "M" links content together on all media and stands for togetherness, added value, moments, muse, courage, magic and for the connection between museums and people.
Two main elements – signet and umbrella brand – visually bring the five individual museums together and form a design playground and a foundation with few but clear rules.