Hager Group / Annual Report 2020/21
Shaping tomorrow’s electrical world
The Hager Group has committed itself to playing a key role in shaping the electric future, especially as the world of 2030 will be even more digital, electronic and sustainable than it is today. With their intelligent electrical solutions, they will help create a world that is safer, cleaner and more pleasant to live in.
How do we want to live? This is the question we need to answer now as we lay the foundations for our collective future. This Annual Report is something of a roadmap, it shows the direction Hager Group is taking and outlines some of their focus initiatives and projects that will shape the next decade.
The design concept visualises the still vague future in the form of written and pictorial fragments that recur throughout the report. Translucent intermediate pages connect the themes Grow, Focus and Shape with the individual chapters of the report.
Along with Cate Shaw and Stefan Kranz, we developed the concept, did the art direction and designed the report.
Making of
The cover of this Annual Report is produced using the iris printing process. All colours were printed together in one colour unit. This results in changes in the gradient of each cover. Each copy is therefore unique.
The cover was printed with the five spot colours of the corporate design, the content with one additional spot colour. Production took place at Krüger Druck+Verlag in Saarland on a brand new printing unit from Koenig & Bauer.